Happy runner celebrating her 10k at the finish line

Get in touch with the events team

Let us know what challenge you’re taking on so we can send you a bespoke fundraising pack and support you throughout your journey. Or send us any general enquiries about an event or fundraising. We can’t wait to chat!

Online forms not your thing, or need to contact us urgently? Give us a call instead: 01903 871820

Get in touch with the events team

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Let us know what challenge you’re taking on, we’ll send you a fundraising pack and support you throughout your journey.
Keeping in touch*
We hope that you’ll be really proud of the support you’re making happen. We’ll use the information you provide to send you occasional updates and let you know how you can continue helping. We’ll never sell or share your data. Are you happy for us to stay in touch? Please select the contact options that work best for you.
If you’d like to change any of your communication preferences, or would prefer not to hear from us by post, please email us or call . For more information on how we use and look after your data, please read our Privacy Policy an Supporter Promise
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