
Fundraising together can boost the amount you raise - and the amount of fun you'll have!

Whether you’re in a sports team, yoga group, WI, amateur dramatics society or any other type of community group, fundraising together is a great way to pool your resources to maximise the amount of money you can raise.

Here are some ideas to get you on your way.

Team fundraising ideas:

  • Get sporty: Put on a charity football/netball/basketball/rounders match
  • Hold a fun night: Bingo, barn dance, quiz night … any type of unusual night where you can raise money while having fun
  • Coaching sessions: why not auction off your skills and experience to the highest bidder?
  • Clothes swap: everyone bring a bag of pre-loved items and ‘shop’ your team-mates second hand clobber. Anything you don’t swap gets donated.
  • Bake sale: A classic, crowd-pleasing way to raise money for charity
A big running team for the Brighton Marathon

Can your group or club can take on a bigger challenge?

  • Take part in an expedition like the Three Peaks Challenge, or a marathon. Browse our events for inspiration.
  • Organise a barn dance
  • Put on a quiz night
  • Host a family fun day at your local pub
  • Make Chestnut Tree House your club’s Charity of the Year

We're here to support you

Any way we can! Get in touch if you've got a great idea for a fundraiser, if you need any help or advice, if you want some branded materials or a collection tin. Our Fundraising Team are on hand.

Get in touch with the fundraising team

Thank you for being a friend!

Being a part of one of our Friends Groups is a fun and sociable way to support our children and young people, and play a vital role in representing us in the local community.

We have Friends Groups right across Sussex and they vary in size from a small group of friends, to a large groups of work colleagues. They all use their local knowledge to help us in any way they can.

Our Friends raise funds for us by organising school fetes, silent auctions, flower shows, street collections, barbecues, dance shows and concerts – the list is endless. They’re also invaluable in our constant quest to raise the profile of Chestnut Tree House throughout Sussex by publicising our work in their town or village.

You’ve got a friend in me

Maybe you are interested in joining an existing Friends Group, or maybe you would like to start your own! We will be there to support you every step of the way. Get in touch with the fundraising team.