24 workouts in 24 hours

Published on: 26/06/2023

Bexhill ex-Marine to do 24 workouts in 24 hours for local children’s hospice

Darren Clark, a former Marine from Bexhill, has set himself an extraordinary challenge – on 26 August, he will be completing 24 workouts over 24 hours while wearing 10kg body armour, all in aid of children’s hospice Chestnut Tree House.

When Darren left the Royal Marines last year after 11 years of service, he launched a fitness company called Spearhead Fitness. One of its ventures is running a bootcamp which now boasts 100 members who will be supporting Darren with his challenge.

“When I left the Marines, I felt like I lacked the physical challenge that I was used to whilst serving,” says Darren. “One of my main goals when I left was to do an annual fundraiser for charity. Last year I did a 24-hour continuous run carrying 20kg in military kit, covering 100km and raising money for mental health charities.

“I have two children of my own and my mum works in a special needs school, so a children’s hospice is an amazing charity to support.”

Darren continues: “I’m most apprehensive about the physical fatigue setting in, especially wearing the 10kg body armour for the full 24 hours, however this is something I’m very used to as an ex-Marine so it’s a case of mentally pushing myself through those physical barriers. I normally do this by remembering why I’m doing the task, in this case for the children I’m raising money for. A bit of my physical fatigue and pain is nothing compared to the battles Chestnut children face every day, so it’s a privilege to fight for them.”

The workouts will range from weighted runs in military kit and swims to Bootcamp-style circuits and interval circuits. Although Darren will be the only person doing all 24 workouts over the 24 hours, Spearhead Fitness members and friends will be supporting him by being there at various points in the 24 hours to cheer him on or joining in on some of the workouts.


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If you would like to support Darren in his incredible challenge, head to Bexhill seafront by the De La Warr Pavilion on the day or visit his JustGiving page.
