Child having fun at Chestnut Tree House


Welcome! Here you can find and sign up for all the activities we're running over the next few months. We can't wait to see you and have fun with everyone!

All our activities

All our activities are available for families and relatives of children already on our caseload.

Select the type of activity from the filters- or browse all of the activities below.

2 results

Feedback on our services

To provide any feedback – positive or negative, just fill in the online form.

You can use this form to tell us about our services, stay at the House, a Community visit, an activity or any of our therapy services. All feedback is really appreciated and will help us improve what we offer you.

Provide feedback
Frequently asked questions - children's activities

Once you’ve signed up to the activity we’ll collate all the expressions of interest and divvy up the activities as fairly as possible – to get as many children doing the things they’d like!

We’d love to guarantee everyone to be able to come to every activity, but unfortunately that’s not possible. We need to make sure each event is safe and that each child has the most fun possible – which means we need to make sure that we have a safe number of staff to the number of children.

Some of our activities will have a limited number of places and we’ll always try to provide more than one time slot to be as flexible as possible – and get as many children and young people to join the activities!


The best way is to fill in the online form and in the ‘Do you have any special requirements or needs?’ section outline your query – and we’ll respond as soon as we can.

If you have anything urgent you need to talk about you can contact us at:

To provide any feedback – positive or negative, just fill in the online form you can find here. 

(You can also use this form to tell us about a stay at the House, a Community visit or any of our therapy services)

Frequently asked questions - Parent and carer activities

Yes! We run regular events in East Sussex, West Sussex and Hampshire. Some events are open to everyone, some are more specific (for instance – just for grandparents). We run a diverse range of activities you can choose from.

Use the filters at the top of the page to select ‘parent and carer events’ to see what’s on!

The best way is to fill in the online form and in the ‘Do you have any special requirements or needs?’ section outline your query – and we’ll respond as soon as we can.

If you have anything urgent you need to talk about you can contact us at:

Keep up to date with our Chestnut’s parent and carer Facebook group. This is a closed group only open to Chestnut parents and carers for you to come together.

Join here: