Help setting up JustGiving

Jump straight to: Setting up your page | Making the most of JustGiving

Why use JustGiving?

Whether you’re holding your own event, taking on a personal challenge or getting involved in one of our own organised events – JustGiving is the best platform to tell your story and collect sponsorship money! There are other platforms you can use, like GoFundMe and Crowdfunder which also create online fundraising platforms- but we recommend JustGiving to our fundraisers, find out why:

Reasons why we love JustGiving:

  • It’s easy for you to set up! JustGiving is very straightforward to use, and the website walks you though each step. We’ve also put together a detailed step-by-step guide if you need any extra help creating your first fundraiser! Once you’ve received sponsorship JustGiving does all the hard work for you and pays us directly, so you don’t need to do anything else!
  • It’s cost effective We’ve done the research – and JustGiving has some of the smallest fees out of all the different fundraising platforms options available. 97% of all donations go to the cause. 1% is taken by JustGiving to help with their costs and 1.9% +20p is taken for the payment processing fee.
  • It’s got Gift Aid covered Gift Aid boosts your donation by a quarter! Charities don’t pay tax. When you donate to us, the money you’re giving us has already been taxed. Because you’re passing that money onto us, we get to claim the tax you’ve already paid back! JustGiving is a helpful platform as it’ll sort out the Gift Aid for you (and us) and pays it directly into our bank account.

How do I set up a JustGiving page?

  • Step 1: Sign up. Enter in a few simple details and you can sign up to Just Giving , all you need is an email address.
  • Step 2: Once you’ve signed in, click on ‘Start Fundraising’ at the top of the page. You’ll then be asked ‘What are you raising money for?’ And you’ll need to select ‘A charity’.

Top tip: Please don’t select ‘My own cause’. This will set up a crowdfunding page for you which means everything you raise will go directly to your own bank account, and you can’t claim Gift Aid on it. Last year alone we raised £56,125.86 in Gift Aid, so every single penny really does help.

JustGiving also will take a higher percentage fee for each transaction on Crowdfunding pages (2.9% vs 1.9% if you sign up for a charity). 

  • Step 3:  You’ll now need to complete your profile and will be asked for your address.
  • Step 4: The next step is to find us so that all the money you raise will go directly to us once your fundraising’s over – use the search bar and type in Chestnut Tree House, and select our profile.
  • Step 5: Choose what type of fundraising you’re doing, you’ll have a list to choose from and if you’re taking part in a national event – like Brighton Marathon – then these are sometimes listed under ‘popular events’. If you’re taking part in one of our events – you can choose from the events listed.
  • Step 6: Depending on the activity you’ve chosen – you’ll be asked different questions to fill in. (For instance, if you’re doing your fundraising in memory and the date of your fundraising event)
  • Step 7: Once you’ve gone through this simple set up your page is ready to be personalised! Personalise your page to make it your own. Your page will automatically have some information about us on there and a default image . To help your supporters get to know why they should donate money to it’s a great idea to customise it. Select ‘Edit your page’ to get going.

Download our simple guide

Need a quick and easy guide to JustGiving? Download and print our cheat sheet to get yourself started:

Download the JustGiving simple guide
Take JustGiving to the next level
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If you’re fundraising as part of a group – maybe you’re all taking on the same challenge and agreed to give the fundraising to the same cause – then you’ll benefit from JustGiving Teams. Once you’re all set up, you and your team will raise money individually – but it’ll all be added up and contribute to an overall total you’ve decided on.

  • Once you’ve followed the steps above to create your fundraising page there’ll be a button in the top left hand corner that says: “Edit your page”
  • Click into here and then select ‘Settings’
  • Scroll halfway down and click on the button saying ‘Start a team’
  • You then need to enter in a team name
  • Your team members pages will automatically support your chosen charity and join the same campaign and event by default.
  • Add in some detail about your team – who you are, why you’re supporting us, what the fundraising event means to you and anything else significant about you and your team!
  • You then need to set a target and create a unique URL
  • Once you’re done you can invite team members via email, Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger

JustGiving doesn’t directly support you to make an online donation to two charities. The only way to do this is to set up a Crowdfunding page. As the money you fundraise will go to your bank account you can then split it between different causes when you make the donation to the charities.

If you want to split the money between us and our sister hospice St Barnabas House – then don’t worry about setting up a Crowdfunding page. Just set your fundraising page up as a ‘charity’ (outlined above) – as we’re one organisation the money will be split between both hospices.

You can easily share your page with anyone, and direct them to your fundraising page using a QR code, no need to faff around typing in a long URL to donate – they’ll simply be able to scan and go!

  • Once you’ve followed the steps above to create your fundraising page there’ll be a button in the top left hand corner that says: “Edit your page”
  • Click into here and then select ‘Settings’
  • Scroll down to the QR code – you can then save the QR code, email it to friends, add it to your email signature at work, print it onto flyers – wherever you want to put it!
  • All your donors need to do is open their camera on their phone and scan the code – they’ll be taken to your page and can donate quickly and easily

Let people know about your journey and fitness progress by connecting your FitBit or Strava. The data from your Strava or FitBit account automatically gets pulled through to your JustGiving page, and is a great way to stay motivated, as well as communicating to your donors just how hard your working!

Directions about linking up your FitBit or Strava accounts – and information about data sharing – can be found on the JustGiving website: